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Wednesday, July 11

Donna The Gym Rat, Day 2

Ok, I just wanna whine for a minute.

Another gym rat was using the ab machine I wanted. So I got on the one that gives me a mini-mammogram (you push down on a bar and unless you're sitting back, you pinch your breasts - it's definitely designed for a flat-chested person!). I used that machine until my preferred machine was free.

Then the water in the shower was ice-cold and it took a long time to warm up. (Ok, it was like a minute. But I stood there naked and shivering for that minute.)

Ok, I'm done whining now. Was that a full minute? No? Just 20 seconds? Good, I'll save the remaining 40 seconds and use them tomorrow.
No I won't (hopefully)!

So anyway, I did an hour again at the gym... 30 minutes aerobics, 30 minutes strength training and body sculpting. Man, that strength training is tough. I had to set all the machines I used on the lowest weight possible... 10 lbs... and even then, they were tough. I guess my arms are weak and wimpy! Got to change that. Hopefully that will be one of the results of doing the strength training.

New today! I am beginning a food diary. Since the weight isn't coming off and I haven't really changed anything except to begin working out, I have to assume the devil is in the diet. I am tracking type of food group, time of day eaten, what I ate, # calories total, and # calories each of protein, carbs and fat. Then I'm running a cumulative total of my calories for the day. Hopefully some big glaring problems will stare me in the face within a week and I can make some changes to my diet.

Ok, got to get to work. Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 10

Here We Go, Again!

 I'm back!

Um, yeaaaaaahhhh.

Where ya been, Donna?

Ok (ahem), yes, it HAS been awhile since I've written. May 18, to be specific. The last month or so has been crazy. The end of May is always very busy at work and at home. Enter June. First I had a camping trip planned and had lots to do before leaving. Then I had a nearly 2 week vacation ....and had lots to do before leaving. And while on vacation, I had very limited Internet access. But now I'm back. And haven't been to the gym in, oh, coughcoughamonthcoughcough...

But here's some good news! Yesterday I was planning to start working out again, but due to a fall (I injured my leg, not badly, but enough to make my leg uncomfortable for a day) and a poor night's sleep (largely due to the aforementioned fall), I opted not to go. But today I did go back and... (drum roll) I doubled my workout time! 30 minutes on the elliptical (2.75 miles), and 10 minutes each on 3 ab-crunching machines. Whew! (channeling James Dean) "I feel good! (na-na-na-na-na-na-na!) Like I knew that I would now! (na-na-na-na-na-na-na!) I feeeeeel good..."

I had a big salad for lunch with some cottage cheese on the side. I took several flights of stairs to get those and return to the office afterwards. Whew again!

Oh, and I've finally transitioned to drinking water all day (and the rare iced venti caramel macchiato... so, sue me).

I feel great, I feel energized, and I feel like I can do this! Wish me well!