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Friday, November 12

Hey Donna, where ya been?

Danke schön, denizens of dinner, dessert, drink, diet, and detox!

I am back after a lengthy absence. A friend and classmate who is also a doctor saw me at my 30th class reunion and asked me, “Donna, where is your blog?” I was sorely tempted to respond, “It blew into bloggerspace!” Grooaannn…

I haven’t written for a couple of reasons. First, work has been crazy busy these last several months. Heck, I haven’t played with my Facebook apps in months. Now, I know what you’re thinking. What does Farmville have to do with diet and exercise? Well, lots, actually. My unofficial and totally unbiased survey of friends indicates that the more Facebook activity, the less exercise.

Number two: I, uh,… haven’t been dieting and exercising… much. So, what’s to write about?

WHAAAA….? Whaddaya MEAN, you ain’t exercising?

We-ell…. It’s like this. We had this great competition going at work; I had my pedometer on, and was walking every day; it was beautiful weather to be outside; summer and salad go hand in hand; I was drinking lots of water; yada, yada, yada.

Then…. er, I, uh, accidentally dropped my pedometer in the toilet, uh, TWO of them, actually. I worked through lunch most days and ate at my desk. My number came up in the lottery and I got a closer parking space. It got colder. I got lazy. You name the excuse, I got it.

Sooo…. Here I go again, right on top of the dreaded holiday season. I’m attempting to get the ol’ metabolism going once again. Right after today’s going-away party for a co-worker, replete with goodies. (I would've posted this yesterday, but there was another going away party then, too. Any excuse for cake seems to be the theme.)

I pledge to find something healthy to discuss at least twice a week. Yeah, yeah, I know, I’ve said that before. Well, I’m trying again.

Today’s healthy thought (to paraphrase a favorite song): "GET UP OFFA DAT BUTT! And stretch till you feel better! GET UP OFFA DAT BUTT! And walk around the block!" I promise to do both.


  1. And I'm still drinking water! For anyone who is addicted to diet soda, buy some Crystal Lite sticks or other powdered drink mix in individual portion sizes, and add it to water. That's how I got off the diet soda, flavored water! It's much easier to get used to water this way than by going cold turkey.

  2. Here's the song to which I was referring:
